Future of Cloud Management: Trends, Innovations, and Best-in-Class Platforms


The Cloud Management Platform (CMP) amalgamates tools, processes, and technologies to enable organizations to oversee, regulate, and administer their multi-cloud resources and services, encompassing on-premises, public, and hybrid environments. This centralized platform facilitates the measurement and governance of cloud computing resources, incorporating features such as self-service interfaces, template-based provisioning, governance, life cycle management, workload optimization, automation, discovery, and visibility across diverse functional areas.

Additionally, it offers IT leaders the flexibility to procure and operate CMP either as on-premises applications or as software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings tailored to specific product lines. The consumption dashboard featured in cloud management platforms delivers daily updates to users, facilitating cost control and offering optimization recommendations to mitigate overspending.

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Key inquiries addressed in this study include:

·       Is the Cloud Management Platform (CMP) market experiencing growth?

·       What are the short-term and long-term growth prospects for the CMP market?

·       What are the primary market drivers and inhibitors influencing the global CMP market?

·       Which industries are the major end-users of CMP solutions?

·       Which industries present the most significant growth opportunities in the forecast period?

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In terms of strategic market direction:

Analysts at Quadrant foresee that as technology advances, Cloud management platforms can be deployed and managed in any data center to facilitate cloud migration while ensuring compliance with data sovereignty and security regulations. These platforms offer a suite of cloud services and accelerators integrated into a unified management platform, aiding enterprises in expediting the deployment of new services.

They streamline manual tasks with automation, enabling rapid provisioning, monitoring, and management of infrastructure, applications, and IT resources across multiple cloud environments. Moreover, the integration of cloud artificial intelligence & machine learning capabilities enhances business processes, facilitates the creation of innovative solutions, and enables enterprises to monetize their data.

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