The Role of Trade Surveillance and Monitoring in Ensuring Market Integrity


Trade Surveillance and Monitoring solutions provide pre-trade, post-trade, and market surveillance capabilities, identifying market abuse practices and trade violations. In response, increasingly stringent regulations have been implemented, such as Reg BI, MAR, MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, and the Code of Conduct. These regulations, along with guidelines from regulatory agencies like the CFTC, SEC, FINRA, and ESMA.

Other national regulations, aim to detect trading activities that undermine public confidence in the markets. The growing emphasis on compliance has become a key driver for robust and accurate trade monitoring systems. Financial markets have faced significant failures and substantial losses due to various factors, including rogue traders.

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Key questions addressed by this study include:

·       How rapidly is the trade surveillance and monitoring solutions market expanding?

·       What are the primary drivers and constraints affecting the global trade surveillance and monitoring solutions market?

·       Which industries present the most significant growth opportunities during the forecast period?

·       Which global regions offer the most substantial growth opportunities in the trade surveillance and monitoring solutions market?

·       Which customer segments have the highest adoption rates of trade surveillance and monitoring solutions?

·       Which deployment options for trade surveillance and monitoring solutions are expected to grow the fastest in the next five years?

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Strategic Market Direction

As regulatory expectations for trade surveillance increase, financial organizations are working tirelessly to eliminate policy breaches leading to unlawful trading activities. Recent global trading practices have adhered to a broader range of regulations, implementing cross-asset class and cross-market trade surveillance measures to identify market abuse, behavioral patterns, and non-compliant activities.

Trade surveillance and monitoring solutions aim to prevent market manipulation and abuse, which can cause reputational damage to firms. Regulators emphasize enhancing market transparency and boosting investor confidence through these solutions, which focus on both pre-trade and post-trade surveillance.

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